About Milaya Capital

Structured into various operating divisions and resourcing over 2,000 employees in more than 10 countries in the Middle East, Europe and UK, Milaya Capital partners with over 200 of the world’s most admired and innovative brands.

With operations in diverse sectors such as real estate, retail, hospitality, shipping, technology development, renewable energy and aviation, Milaya Capital’s entrepreneurship and relentless customer focus enables the organisation to continue to grow and expand.

With flexibility and responsiveness to the changing trends and needs of today’s demanding business world within the multi cultures in which we operate in, we base our foundations solid through our base moto: Think Global, Act Local!

By upholding our values of respect, teamwork and integrity; Milaya Capital continues to enrich the lives and aspirations of our team members, partners and customers each and every day whilst retaining its environmental responsibility standards.

Milaya Capital is a company entirely owned by its management and it is free from any ownership, banking, financial or insurance institution control. Our company has built its reputation by being fully committed and transparent to its dealings, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of today’s business requirements.

Result oriented and with commitment to excellence we are proud to operate successful businesses internationally whilst retaining our Head Offices in three different infamous business hubs and central countries; Greece, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, running diverse & successful operations that cater to various aspects having as main focus our operations efficiency.

All Rights Reserved © MILAYA CAPITAL LTD 2024.